When Is a Cataract Operation Required?

  • august 22, 2023
  • Sanjiv

The world doesn't have to change because of cataracts .Cataracts are currently the main cause of blindness worldwide. Many people in poor nations lack access to therapeutic choices that are available in other places. The most severe cataracts are frequently still surgically treatable even after years of growth. Cataracts rarely harm the eye permanently on their own, thus surgery is rarely regarded as required.

Your vision won't improve if you wait.

The following typical cataract symptoms, some or all, can drastically reduce quality of life. These problems will continue up till cataract surgery is done.

1. Hobbies are no longer enjoyable.

Vision blur is a major driver for cataract surgery. Maintaining independence might be challenging when living in a fog. Having blurry vision increases the risk of miscommunication, accidents, and difficulty doing tasks.

2. Now that I can't see clearly

Even with reading glasses on, cataract sufferers frequently lose their ability to see up close. There are many issues brought on by near vision blur. Until cataracts are treated, patients frequently have to say goodbye to reading books, recipe cards, or even TV tickers.

3. Gray (or brown) or yellow fade-in

The reduction of vibrant colors in vision is a major sign of cataracts. Depending on the color of the cataract, vision can change from clear to brown, yellow, or gray when one first appears. This alteration has an impact on one's capacity to recognize colors and contrasts.

4. Not always is a double better

Two pictures may be projected onto the retina of the eye as a result of a cataract's ability to bend light. The brain is deceived by this double vision into thinking it is seeing the same object twice, but in slightly different places. Those pictures might or might not show up where they should.

5. Bright lights

Contrary to popular belief, cataracts can actually make sunlight or artificial light appear brighter. Pain and a blinding impact can be experienced just by glancing in the direction of a light. This is also true when using headlights while driving at night.

6. Excessive change

Between one and three years should pass between replacements of a pair of prescription glasses. The ability of the eye to see varies along with cataracts frequently. A pair of glasses may need to be adjusted frequently as a result of these variances.

Is cataract surgery ever required?

It is wise to have cataract surgery performed before vision becomes too poor. As a result of other eye diseases, an eye surgeon may occasionally find that cataract surgery is necessary. The conditions that affect the back of the eye and glaucoma are the most typical examples of this. When a cataract forms, the lens may enlarge and exert pressure on other eye structures, leading to glaucoma. Restoring normal eye pressure may be aided by the removal of a cataractous lens. Additionally, cataracts might obstruct an eye doctor's ability to observe problems in the back of the eye. A doctor may recommend cataract surgery in certain circumstances to keep an eye on things.

Posted by Sanjivani Eye Hospital

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Laser Cataract Surgery in Ahmedabad

Top-rated Cataract Surgery Specialist in Ahmedabad

At Sanjivani Eye Hospital in Ahmedabad, you can get effective eye treatment for cataract diseases as here you can find knowledgeable and experienced cataract surgery surgeons, who restore your vision very effectively. These days, cataract surgery is extremely common among people as loads of people are facing cataract problems and they are adopting this surgery.

Best Cataract Surgery Doctor Ahmedabad

Cataract Surgeons are constantly working in the techniques, latest equipment and replacement lenses. At Sanjivani Eye Hospital, well-known as one of the leading cataract surgeons in Ahmedabad. He performs cataract surgery very effectively and ensures you to provide unbelievable results.

We have leading top rate cataract surgery specialist offering best treatment at affordable rates in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Udaipur, Kota, Ajmer, Surat, Rajkot. Contact the best Cataract Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Cataract Surgery Center in Ahmedabad

The laser cataract surgery performed by Dr. Rajesh Shah replaces some of the tools and steps in traditional cataract surgery with a computer-guided laser, known as a femtosecond laser in Ahmedabad. This laser makes cataract and lens replacement more accurate and precise than previously possible.

To learn more about the laser cataract surgery (or femtocataract surgery) Dr. Rajesh Shah offers, please contact our offices to make an appointment. Dr. Rajesh Shah will be more than happy to determine whether you qualify for this advanced and revolutionary procedure for Laser Cataract Surgery in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.